DNV 2.7-1 Hazardous Cargo Container

Our hazardous cargo container provides secure storage and transportation for hazardous products such as chemicals, oils, and paints.

A built-in floor catchment sump with galvanised grating floor provides containment for any possible hazardous product fluid loss from a carrier or drum receptacle.

The hazardous cargo container has both front large double concertinaed doors and end double doors allowing easy loading and unloading options. Three IBCs can be securely stored, with tie-in points both at floor and roof levels ensuring load security.

The hazardous cargo container meets with the offshore Oil & Gas industry recognised design and  build standards of DNV 2.7-1 and EN12079 certification.

Other features including lighting, an eye wash treatment station and safety markings, stacking capability, forklift pockets and a sling and shackle set to allow a choice of handling equipment.


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